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"The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world." ~ Thomas Aquinas

Most people associate astrology with the zodiac, but it's planetary motion that gives meaning to the signs. Planets are the alphabet of energy, the building blocks of our reality and the foundation of astrology.

[Sun & Moon are called planets for brevity]

The founder of Analytical Psychology, Dr. Carl G. Jung, was a closet astrologer whose theory of the conscious, unconscious & collective unconscious is based on planetary frequencies. But he did not publicly reveal this, avoiding the academic ridicule that persists to this day.

The Three Fundamental Basics of Astrology are HERE

"To understand correctly the meaning of the words Alchemy and Astrology, it is necessary to understand and to realize the intimate relationship and identity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, and their mutual interaction." ~ Paracelsus

As Above, So Below


Another great mind of the early 20th century was Dr. Niels Bohr, who rejected the false light of materialism and translated the Indian Vedas into the language of quantum physics. Heeding the ancient wisdom he discovered that the atom & solar system have an identical form. This earned him the Nobel Prize early on, though if he explored an identical function, nobody said so, not publicly.

The atom is nature's building block, so assuming the solar system is too, as many stargazers believe, this clearly confirms astrology. But today's Experts say Bohr was wrong and "they have a totally different form." So don't believe your lyin' eyes.

Dr. Bohr would not agree with the scientists of today and he left us with some deeply meaningful truth to ponder. And he came to perceive reality as a kind of collective, holographic dream...

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real."
~ Physicist Dr. Niels Bohr

row row row your boat. . .

And once in awhile Bohr & Einstein even wandered the woo-woo realms together...

"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man..." ~ Albert Einstein

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

Astrologers and quantum physicists share one solid belief: Everything is energy. Astrologers have known this for eons and physicists finally caught up, sort of. Their Theory of Everything is defined as four fundamental Forces: Gravity, Strong Force, Weak Force & Electromagnetism.

Gravity is the most celebrated of the fab four and gets most of the attention, but it has a shallow reach.

The strong force & weak force toil obscurely to hold the manifest world together; it's the only way to let it Be.

But the real star of the fab four is E L E C T R O M A G N E T I S M.

It's unimaginably more forceful than gravity and goes on and on across the universe, possessing and caressing us in an infinite, solful embrace.

The profound significance of electromagnetism is summed up in a short quote from the Galaxy Being:

"Infinity is God...electromagnetic forces underly all."

The Galaxy Being & Cliff Robertson in 1963 - The Outer Limits

And the sounds & images that inform & entertain us are waves & frequencies received & transmitted through machines conceived in the human brain, the most supremely perfected transmitter & receiver.

Every supercharged moment in time is pregnant with infinite possibilities that shift with celestial movement and manifest through consciousness. Possibility becomes reality through directed will. Is that what's meant by 'In the beginning was The Word'?

'The Heavens are
telling the Glory of God
The Sky above
proclaims His Handiwork
Day to day pours out Speech
And night unto night
reveals Knowledge

There is no Speech nor Language
where their Voice is not heard
Yet their Voice goes out
through all the Earth
And their Words
to the end of the World.'
~ 19th Psalm

Is the bible a secret code for cosmology [with a few additions & omissions]? Someday maybe astrologers, physicists, shrinks & preachers will all come together and heed Jesus' words to follow the Sun, Moon & Stars.

The system of celestial energy is illustrated across the world and the ages; here are just a few examples of our heavenly system... DNA reflects the Egyptian caduceus reflects the chakra system reflects the central nervous system

dna strand; caduceus; chakra system; central nervous system;

reflects the Jewish sephirot reflects a double-helix nebula reflects the Music of the Spheres. The celestrial energy system is reflected in the large to the small and everything is connected, apparently to Kevin Bacon...

sephirot; double-helix nebula; music of the spheres; kevin bacon

Sumer was a highly developed civilization that goes back more than 5000 years and they apparently had telescopes. Here is a Sumerian carving of our solar system that depicts all the celestial bodies, including Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. So it seems that technology turns to dust and only the stones survive.

Is human evolution cyclic? Have we been around & around for eons, even billions & billions of years? Maybe Earth is a school of the soul and time is the template for our many lives. Do we inherit the world we helped create, both consciously & unconsciously? And what's ahead for the Aquarian Age?

"Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe.
Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance."
~ Nikola Tesla

Although the first use of astrology is a mystery, the system is obviously infinite and the evidence of its use goes back thousands of years. And is it me or does the Sumerian mechanism above look a lot like the Antikythera Mechanism below?

In 1901, in a shipwreck off the coast of Antikythera, Greece, explorers discovered an ancient computer that calculated astrological cycles! Decades of reverse-engineering dates it back at least 2000 years and maybe more and either way it turns history on its head.

"Researchers have decoded more writing on the 2,000-year-old Antikythera mechanism and found it may have an astrological purpose."
~ Smithsonian Magazine

"Fragment 19; back cover inscription plate"

We're waiting...

"Yes Virginia, Pluto is a Planet!"
~ Dr. Richard Binzel of MIT

The vote to demote Pluto occurred in the most Plutonian time in recorded history and was underhanded and highly contentious.
[A]stronomers are already circulating a petition that would try to overturn the IAU decision."
"[O]nly 424 astronomers were allowed to vote, out of some 10,000 professional astronomers around the globe."
"Pluto vote 'hijacked' in revolt... A fierce backlash has begun against the decision by astronomers to strip Pluto of its status as a planet."
"Pluto is the second-most complex, interesting planet in our solar system behind Earth"
"NASA Administrator Says Pluto Is Still a Planet, And Things Are Getting Heated" [2019]
"NASA missions may re-elevate Pluto and Ceres from dwarf planets to full-on planet status." [still waiting]

Years after demoting Pluto, NASA announced a new constellation, Ophiuchus. Both throw a monkey wrench into astrology; coincidence or intention? NASA scientists say astrology is beneath their consideration, so I guess that settles it...

"No, we did not change the zodiac. When the Babylonians invented the constellations 3,000 years ago, they chose to leave out a 13th sign. So, we did the math." - NASA

So they think the ancients 'chose to leave out the 13th sign'? They also thought the ancients were primitive, until this happened...

On a related note, why are the photos of all the planets in our solar system, except Earth, so distant or so close that we can't see their full terrain? And why no new images of Uranus & Neptune? If Hubble can photograph other galaxies, why not the outer planets of our own solar system? And is Earth's twin, Venus, always obscured by clouds? We do see some beautiful shots of Jupiter, which makes me wonder what we're not seeing. They hide our fascinating past from us, so why wouldn't they hide our beautiful cosmos? We just pay the bills.

In the old days astrologers who shared their knowledge with the serfs were tossed in dungeons and worse; these days ridicule and religion scare the serfs away. Meanwhile astrology is quietly utilized by the Power Elite and a few free thinkers.

The Age of Aquarius erupted in the 1800s, with scientists and seekers exploring freely along the same lines, but by the 1930s materialism shut it down. It was re-ignited in 1969 with Linds Goodman's Sun Signs, but promptly infiltrated & marginalized by the forces intent on our ignorance. But many Millennials are shining new light on astrology, which symbolizes the Age of Aquarius. And knowledge & wisdom are the catch-words.

"In an age of information, ignorance is a choice." ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza

Vice: We've Hit Peak Astrology
The Atlantic: The New Age of Astrology
WBUR: For Millennials, Astrology Is On The Rise
The Guardian: Why astrology is turning to millennials
Astrodynamics: Millennials and astrology - a natural fit
New York Post: Why millennials are flocking to astrology
Foundry Fox: Is astrology the new religion for millennials?
The Cut: Astrology Is Serious Business, Even If It's Not Real
Real Sclear Science: Why Are Millennials So Into Astrology?
Youth Voices Live: Why Are Millennials Turning to Astrology?
Skeptical Inquirer: Why Are Millennials Turning To Astrology?
Indie Mag: Why Are Millennials Replacing Religion with Astrology?
The Loop: New study says millennials believe astrology is scientific
The Guardian: Star gazing: why millennials are turning to astrology
Sydney Morning Herald: Why millennials love to read their horoscope
Science Mag:Study: Most Young Americans Think Astrology Is a Science
BusinessInsider: Millennials are bringing astrology back into the mainstream
Market Watch: Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology
LA times: Must Reads: How millennials replaced religion with astrology and crystals
United Press International [UPI]:Majority of young adults think astrology is a science
Sydney Morning Herald: Millennials are turning to astrology in massive numbers. Why?
Vogue: What's Co-Star? Meet the Astrology App That's Intriguing Millennials Everywhere

The Three Fundamental Basics of Astrology Here!

I've been an astrologer in my home state of Massachusetts for over forty years. My path was laid at 13 by Linda Goodman's Sun Signs; a great book that put millions of seekers on the path of celestial wisdom and ignited the New Age in 1968.

The '70s were a heady time, with great astrologers just bus stops away, so my sister Anne and I headed to lectures with the likes of Isabel Hickey, Francis Sakoian and Oscar Weber. Then in '74 acclaimed astrologer Paul Guercio moved to our town and held small, intimate classes within walking distance; so off we went to have our minds blown in comfort.

In the early 80s Anne went off to make babies and I began a five year apprenticeship with Paul that became a lifelong frenemyship. Paul made astrological forecasts on local Boston & NY broadcasts throughout the 80s, which was pretty cool.

In the late 80s I went off to make babies and soon Paul collaborated with a government physicist, Dr. George Hart, on a computerized forecasting tool they called TimeTraks. For the next two decades Paul & George made political forecasts on tv & radio as The Merlin Project. Paul suddenly passed in 2019 and he is sorely missed.

Paul taught me to keep it simple and in 1994 I followed his lead; pregnant with my third baby and a little more than procreative, I designed the FutureGraph™ & BirthPrint™. Other stuff followed over the years.

And as luck would have it, I married a Goodman. And no, I didn't marry him for his name, but it did turn out to be the best thing about him.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you find what you're looking for.

gaze ~ learn ~ share

"Astrology [is] the noblest of sciences." ~ Dante

"The energy of the mind is the essence of life." ~ Aristotle

"Men should take their knowledge from the Sun, the Moon and the Stars." ~ Emerson

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

"Astrology is astronomy brought down to Earth and applied toward the affairs of men." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician." ~ Hippocrates

"I always keep my weather eye on the opposition of my seventh house Moon to my first house Mars." ~ President Theodore Roosevelt

"Without astrology man treads, as it were, in the dim twilight of ignorance." ~ Luke Dennis Broughton, The Elements of Astrology

"Heaven sends down its good and evil symbols and wise men act accordingly." ~ Confucius

"These auspicious aspects, which the astrologers subsequently interpreted for me, may have been the causes of my preservation." ~ Goethe

"The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear." ~ Pythagoras

"The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements,
in a relation with the motions of the universe." ~ Louis Pasteur (who should have stuck to astrology)

"The question of all questions for humanity, the problem which lies behind all others and is more interesting than any of them, is that of the determination of man's place in nature and his relation to the cosmos." ~ T.H. Huxley

"If you look at this solar system, it is a machine that is designed to create life on this particular planet, and to preserve it over long periods of time to allow development." ~ Whitley Strieber

"The word science means knowledge from a latin root. Nescience is the opposite of knowledge, or ignorance. Modern science began with a theological concept, that God is a mathematician and the language of God is Geometry [but] it's been taken over by persons of demonic mentality as the vehicle for presenting the philosophy of atheism." ~ Dr. Richard L. Thompson, author of Forbidden Archaeology

"The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts.
The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.
The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever.
Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?
But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."
~ D.H. Lawrence

More Astrology Quotes

Psyche comes from the Greek 'psykhe', which means 'the soul'.

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