
Earth is the only planet that rules no sign, yet its qualities reflect Taurus, who has no ruler and hitchhiked a ride with Venus, so I think it's a match.

Taurus is grounded, nurturing & sensuous, like Mother Earth, and basks in her beautiful bounty, sometimes a little too much. Hindus worship the cow as the symbolic Mother and like Earth, the majestic bovine nourishes and provides for our basic needs, like ice cream & buttered popcorn.

The ancients called Earth and Venus twin planets and they once shared the same glyph, with Earth's glyph in reverse. So why remove it?

And Earth was once named for the mythical goddess Gaia, whose Roman name was Terra. Terra/Taurus. Earth is now the only planet no longer named for a mythical god or goddess. Now it's named for dirt. Whose idea was that?
Nobody knows.

Mythology and religion are said to symbolize cosmology, to keep wisdom alive in dark ages. But we just cleared the Kali Yuga and religion is part of the Age of Pisces. And we just entered the Age of Aquarius and that's about eXposure.

"Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades,
or loose the bands of Orion?"
~ Old Testament.

The Pleiades in the Taurus constellation is referenced throughout the ancient world and appears to be connected to Earth. And some believe Pleiadeans and others are protecting us from ourselves, or protecting Mother Earth from us. Listening to the Disclosure Project accounts by retired military across the world who witnesed repeated extraterrestrial interference on nuclear weapons bases has to make you wonder.

NASA says it's too hot and cloudy to get close to Venus, so how did Russia take the shot below in the 80s? And why are the images of Venus, Mars and the Moon so close we have no clear idea of their terrain? They could all be Arizona and we wouldn't have a clue.





Earth's beautiful landscape is filmed & photographed from every angle & distance, but images of Moon, Venus & Mars are too close to see more than dust and rubble. And Mercury looks amazing but always at the same distance. And the imges of the outer planets are distant balls that barely changed in 30 years. Only Jupiter & Saturn are the exception, though it's strictly limited.

We're told the other planets are too hot, too cold, too cloudy, too gassy, too toxic, too distant to map their terrain, while Hubble captures images waaay beyond our galaxy. Does that make sense? So the best Hubble gets of our solar system are the same old balls, below on the left, but check out the giant space moth, galaxies away...

Despite stupifying technological advancements, why do we still mostly see the same old images of our solar system? Fishy as hell.

Venus in 1974 and 2016... 42 years of technological advancement...

FINALLY a telling glimpse... the Sun shining light on Venus and it sure looks to me like there's an ocean [2018]...

Did the image of Venus below slip past the censors? More exciting than the desolate Moon and muddy Mars? Where would you rather visit?

Everyone wants to fly to the Moon and Mars, but maybe Venus is the place to go. The ancients said Venus and Earth are twins and I trust their word over anything NASA says.

And what about Valiant Thor and George Adamski?

NASA hides so much we call it 'Never A Straight Answer.', but We the Tax Slaves are funding them, so why not demand answers to burning questions that make sense?

But no, FLAT EARTH is the hot cosmic topic and it couldn't divide us more. Some of us look to the bible, but most of us think it's ridiculous.

What benefit is there to NASA producing 'fake' images of a spherical solar system? The benefit of a fake flat earth claim is distraction & division. And hiding the full truth and beauty of our solar system serves the space race plunderers.

The Neptunian age of deception and religion will give way to the Age of eXposure. HERE Clif High exposes flat earth as a DOD psyop begun in 2000. So that's a start.

And why doubt the true MAGNIFICENCE of the planets in our solar system? Greater than any sci fi movie. When will NASA reveal the Greatest Secret? And not that Earth is a frisbee.

Could ruthless invaders change the name of our beautiful planet to dirt and pretend it rules nothing? Could they claim to be gods and erase and replace our history, claim we descended from apes and demand sacrifice to satiate dark, unseen forces? Could humans leave a testament to their brutal ordeal and call the invaders The Elohim? Could the testament serve the invaders' agenda? Are humans that gullible?
