The celestial bodies gave us the clock & calendar and we'd be lost without them. But what about the qualities of time? Isn't it time
to hang those on the wall, too?

So what better than a FutureGraph? It tracks the five major celestial cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and knowledge of them all enables you to make the very most of your time.

"Always fall in with what is given and make it over your way.
Not against, with." ~ Robert Frost

Planetary cycles range from frequent & brief [Sun through Mars] to infrequent & lengthy [Jupiter through Pluto] and the latter five are displayed on a FutureGraph as waves that build, crest and recede.

"Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?
But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us
all the time." ~ D.H. Lawrence

A Word About Saturn
Everyone's heard of the 7 year this and the 7 year that, yet few know it's the Saturn cycle. It's a stressful time of increased responsibilities and adjustments, so knowing when it begins and ends is an immense advantage. You can better prepare and know you're not losing it
and that 'this too shall pass'.

Order with PayPal, it's safer. And simple...

Just two steps...

email me:
recipient's name
birthdate - day/month/year
birthplace - city/state/country
exact or approximate birth time
[if birth time is unknown, noon will be used]
futuregraph start date - month & year

post your payment to: at:

Each FutureGraph takes 2 days to 2 months to receive;
I'll email you when to expect it.

Questions? email me :)