The Moon is an ancient symbol of fertility and the hormonal cycle even has a lunar beat! So it's only natural that women ovulate in sync with the Moon, and like all cosmic law it's simple: ovulation occurs when the Moon enters the phase in which you were born!

Lunar fertility was re-discovered in 1956 by Dr. Eugen Jonas, who came upon a fragment of an ancient Babylonian manuscript that read: "A woman is fertile according to the moon." Dr. Jonas deciphered its meaning and soon opened a fertility clinic that quickly became an international success.

As it happens, just three years later, the clinic was closed when communists overtook Czechoslovakia. But Dr. Jonas persevered and now in his 90s, he continues to help women conceive at his clinic in the Slovac Republic: Centrum Jonas International.

And contrary to conventional wisdom, female biochemistry determines gender at conception, according to the Moon's position. Of course this makes sense and it's been borne out through many thousands of births {& my children:}

And lunar fertility can't be patented, so debunkers do their thing.

In 2003 researchers at the University of Saskatchewan inadvertently confirmed the lunar fertility cycle when they discovered that women ovulate more than once a month: "[They] found that most women in their study had at least two times during their cycle when eggs developed. . ."

The most comprehensive book on lunar fertility is Astrological Birth Control by Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder. Written 50 years ago, it's ageless, priceless and should be reprinted.

The most reliable birth control is the cervical cap. It's basically a condom for the cervix used since ancient times in various forms, until The Pill was introduced and the cap disappeared. And when women complained that the Pill made them ill, the diaphragm took the cap's place, a messy, inconvenient and less effective substitute and no $erious competition to The Pill.

The Complete Cervical Cap Guide by Rebecca Chalker is an excellent resource.

Dissatisfaction with messy & toxic options has led back to the cap, but sadists may be in charge of design. Presently the only option is the FemCap, hard plastic that resembles a sailor's cap with a handle. Hard plastic? And it requires a physician's script - for a small piece of plastic? And few physicians even fit them! Talk about an effective barrier.

Why not female condoms? Effective, safe, cheap, soft, comfy & liberating to all women. Cui Bono without them? Not women, their partners or aborted babies, that's for sure.

And assuming a user-friendly design emerges, cervical caps do not require toxic spermicide, though it's advised, of course. We need to know who pulls the strings and make safer, better choices for our health & well-being.

Why trust authorities who themselves trust authorities?

Who knew 'Females' eggs age and die' is just a theory and not even a logical one? In 2004, Dr. Jonathan Tilly of Harvard & MGH discovered that new eggs are produced in women throughout their reproductive years, just like alli other mammals! And why wouldn't they? This knowledge could lead to the reversal of menopause.

"There's no fathomable reason...why a woman would have evolved to carry stale eggs around for decades before attempting to get pregnant while men evolved to have fresh sperm always available." ~ Dr. Jonathan Tilly, 2012

Dr. Jonathan Tilly

If mind determines matter, could false beliefs be leading to menopause? Who developed the theory Dr. Tilly's proven false and why was it not tested or questioned? The same people trying to debunk his research now? Cui Bono?

And for women over forty who wish to conceive, I highly recommend Enhancing Fertility After Age 40 , by Jan Andersen. Her organization,, has brought joy to many thousands of women.

Lauren & Jan

Jan graciously invited me to write an article on lunar fertility for her book...
The Moon is the Key


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