In 1901, the ancient bronze remains of the world's first computer was found preserved in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece. The Antikythera Mechanism was named for its location and reverse-engineered for decades, until it was finally determined to calculate astrological cycles, OVER 2000 years ago!

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The discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism proves how wrong the experts can be. Advanced technology could have existed and turned to dust, and if not for an ancient shipwreck, the Antikythera Mechanism would be dust, too.
And we'd never be the wiser.

Sumer was a highly advanced civilization and the first known to practice astrology, over 7000 years ago. And the Sumerian carving below appears to depict nine celestial bodies circling the Sun, so how did they know?

A few interesting viewpoints...

History of Mesopotamia
Does Sumerian Cosmogony Validate Bode's Law?
The Sumerians knew about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
The birth of the solar system-the legend of Sumerian civilization
Ancient civilization knew far more about our solar system than we think

And the Antikythera Mechanism may be MUCH older than we think...
and is that a GIANT? With a CONE HEAD? Looks like the Elohim aliens to me. That's what she said. No way. Yahwseh.

Next p7: Yes, Virginia, Pluto Is A Planet